
A tool vulnerability.

Implements DbObject


createdAt (DateTime)

Creation time of this object in ISO 8601 format.

description (String)

A detailed description of what the vulnerability is about.

id (ID)

Unique StackShare ID.

name (String)

What the vulnerability is about.

private (Boolean)

Whether this object is private.

publishedAt (DateTime)

When the vulnerability was published.

severity (String)

Severity can be low, moderate, high, or critical.

tool (Tool)

The tool affected by this vulnerability.

type (String)

Type of the object.

updatedAt (DateTime)

Update time of this object in ISO 8601 format.

url (String)

URL for full vulnerability details.

vulnerabilityDatabaseId (String)

Vulnerability database ID, usually a CVE ID or GitHub GHSA ID.

vulnerabilityStacks (paginated VulnerabilityStacks)

Association representing stacks affected by the vulnerability.