
A tool on the StackShare platform.

Implements Slugified


category (Category)
createdAt (DateTime)

Creation time of this object in ISO 8601 format.

function (Function)
id (ID)

Unique StackShare ID.

latestVersionNumber (String)

Latest version number for this tool.

latestVersionReleasedAt (String)

When the latest version of this tool released.

latestVersionWebsiteUrl (String)

URL for more information about the latest version of this tool.

layer (Layer)
license (String)

License name, for example MIT.

licenseUrl (String)
name (String)

Name of the object.

package (Boolean)

Whether this object is a package.

packageManager (PackageManager)

The package manager for this object, if this object is a package.

private (Boolean)

Whether this object is private.

releasePolicyUrl (String)

URL for more information about this tool's releases.

slug (String)

Unique string identifying this object.

stage (Stage)

Tool stage.

stageContext (String)

Some context about this tool's stage, in markdown format.

type (String)

Type of the object.

updatedAt (DateTime)

Update time of this object in ISO 8601 format.

versionsCount (Int)

Number of versions of this tool used in your company.

adoptionStageHistories (paginated Histories)

Adoption stage history of this tool at your company.

contributors (paginated Users)

Developers who have contributed to stacks with this tool in them.

stackApps (paginated StackApps)

Stack apps that use this tool.

stacks (paginated Stacks)

Stacks that use this tool.

teams (paginated Teams)

Teams that use this tool.

versions (paginated Versions)

Versions of this tool used in your company.